Place two circle targets approximately 10 paces apart. (Farther apart or closer depending on participants) Can be placed on grass, beach, decks, driveways, sidewalks etc.

  • Each player or team picks a color of KNOTS.

  • Players stand behind circle target and toss to far target.

  • Each player throws one KNOTS at a time, alternating throws until all are thrown.

  • If playing in teams of two people in each team, one team member stays at one end and the other team member stays at the opposite end.

  • The suggested throwing technique is to hold the upper knot between two fingers allowing KNOTS to hang down and toss underhand in a spinning motion.

  • 1 point is scored for each knot that is in the circle. (There are two knots on each KNOTS) Judgment is used to determine if a knot is in the circle. It is suggested that the majority of the knot be in the circle to score.

  • If one player’s KNOTS lands clearly across another players KNOTS, the KNOTS under does not count for scoring.

  • Highest score player in a particular round throw first in next round.

  • First player to score 21 points wins after the end of that particular round. If at the end of that round, more than one player is over 21, highest score wins.


New Light Phone

Go Light!

Competitive rope toss game for 2 to 4 players for backyard, beach, or grass.

Perfect for an afternoon at your favorite winery or brewery!

Complete game is contained in a small lightweight bag to easily take anywhere

Due to possible choking/strangulation, adult supervision is required.

(Knots Landing is a registered trademark of PAR Resources LLC, Brick, NJ 08723)

$39.95 plus any applicable Sales Tax and Shipping

PAR Resources LLC

Knots Landing is a registered trademark of PAR Resources LLC of Brick, NJ

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